Tool Refurbishment Services

Whether you purchase carbide-tipped specials, our standard Schmarje Thread Mills (TCT or Solid Carbide) or our McCrosky Adjustable Reamers, you can take comfort in knowing that Tool Fab offers the fastest, most competitive refurbishment programs in the industry.
Thread Mills
Schmarje Thread Mills are manufactured/CNC ground using a unique “cam-grind” process. Besides enhancing the performance of the tool when new, this process allows for quick and inexpensive resharps/regrinds without sacrificing significant cutter diameter reductions. On TCT thread mills, we offer a re-tipping service on thread mills that are damaged too much to re-sharpen. This re-tipping service is fast, convenient and saves you money — what you get is a tool that performs as good as new — without the new tool price!
Adjustable Reamers & Serrated Milling Cutters
McCrosky Reamers and Milling Cutters are manufactured to your application’s specifications. Once dull, return the tools to Tool Fab for reblading and/or resharpening. We will completely check the tools’ components and/or accessories (blades, pins, screws, wedges, collars, etc. ) and replace only if necessary while regrinding the tools to your spec for maximum performance.

Specials (Re-tips & Re-grinds)
Since we know that Tool Fab’s carbide-tipped specials are made from only the best, most stable tool steels, we offer re-tipping services on special tools that we’ve manufactured. Tool Fab offers resharpening services on its solid carbide and high-speed steel tools along with the re-grinding of high-performance drills. Call us today for a quote!
Indexable Tool Repair
Tool Fab will also repair any indexable tools (standards or specials) that we manufacture. Simply ship the tools you want repaired to Tool Fab with a request for quote We take pride in refurbishing our tools to help you maximize the return on your investment in our product.
We can repair most indexable tools made by other tool manufacturers. Simply send us an RFQ and the tool and we’ll take it from there!